Marriage: As asked to me by a young drunk girl

6:04 PM

First off, can you believe I blogged about The Senator tree and the damn thing went and burned down a week later? HOW CRAZY!

Anyway, last night Hubs and I were celebrating a friend's birthday at a local bar, Redlight Redlight. The bar is super cool and it has been around a while, however this was my first time I had ever been there. Hubs likes to have "work meetings" there. They have an extensive amount of craft beers on their menu. So translate for this story craft beers to HIGH OCTANE, get you really drunk beers.

Anyway, I had to use the bathroom before we left. The bathroom in this place is small, with one stall. When I walked in the stall door was open so I assumed it was open and I could use it. Nope, drunk girl sitting on the toilet. Then her friend realizes it and jumps up to pull the stall door closed. So then a friend of these two girls walks in and sits down and starts talking to these ladies. The girl who is holding the door starts talking about doing hits...really I am not sure what type of hits they were doing, but they were. Anyway that girl then goes into the bathroom and asks me to hold the door. The girl who I originally walked in on stumbles out the door. This poor girl has really horrible fake lashes on, and I could tell because she could barely keep her eyes open.

I am standing there minding my own business holding the door and the last girl to enter the bathroom looks at me and goes, you are married. I told her yes, and then I could have bet the next question..."How old are you?" I do the fake little laugh and say yes I look a lot younger than I am, but told her, and she was like WOW, no way. I nodded. This is where the conversation goes DEEP.

So she could have just left the conversation there, but she continued with, "Are you happy?" Now I am bad about outward facial expressions, so I wish I could have seen my face. I am thinking, just asked me and I happy? That was a very one, bold question and two very forward question for a bar. Anyway so I told her yes, I am very happy with my husband and wouldn't be married if I wasn't. She asked me how long we had been together and I told her. Then she went into how she has been with someone a long time off and on. She told me that seeing the ring on my finger that I was married gives her hope that loves and happiness exists.

Wow girl, I just needed to pee.

It was a very odd encounter to say the least. She continued about her predicament and I continued to smile and nod, but then it was my turn to use the bathroom. Once I went in the stall she continued to yell, "Thanks for talking to me about this, I really just am happy that love is still out there."

But remember how we were holding the stall door? Yea, there was a working lock on the door the whole time. I utilized it.

Oh man the things that happy in bars, by the way, Don't Drink and Drive.

How would you have handled this conversation?

Cheap Fun in Central Florida

10:19 AM

As the hubby and I were walking around Flea World (A flea market of EPIC proportions) in Sanford this weekend, I got to thinking; this is something inexpensive to do on the weekend. All you need is about $20 and you can walk around and see all of the fun things they have to offer. Hubby and I challenge ourselves to see how much we can get for our little amount of money. He can usually get 800 beers! Ha.

So my thought is what is in the area that is low cost and fun that we might be missing out on. We can go to Disney because we have the passes, but as much as I would like to go every weekend, it’s not entirely possible.

On the way to Flea World is Big Senator, it’s a really big tree I am told at one of the state parks in the area. I would like to see it, again something easy and inexpensive!

Hubs and I like to have fun, so another place is Little 500 Go-Kart track. I have been in the past, but it’s been a while. It’s so fun just to race each other or friends, so I have added that to the list.

Also this weekend we went to a comic shop in Longwood, that was full of old action figures, toys and just chockfull of super interesting things to look at. We didn’t have to buy anything, but we reminesed about all of the toys back in the day we played with, including G.I. Joes, Barbies, and Vinyl Toys.

For Christmas my brother got my dad a membership to go skeet shooting at a club in the Daytona area. I have never been, but my mother is a FANTASTIC skeet shooter, and so is hubby. He actually won a shooting competition. I feel that one weekend we need to head that way and see what I am made of, and see if he still has it.

Since we don’t have kids, we are looking for fun stuff that adults would enjoy, but adults that are kids at heart.

My question to you is; what other inexpensive things are there to do in Central Florida?

Let’s make a list and I am sure there are other people just like us that want to know about these hidden gems!

It's a new year, time to do this again...

3:00 PM

Whoops! It has really been a while since I last updated. Thanksgiving and Christmas have come and gone. And now it’s 2012. Funny how years and months fly by.

The holidays brought me a new job as well. Anyone who knows me knows my background is in news. Radio and television news to be exact. Since I could decide what I wanted to do I have wanted to work in this business and when my radio career got side tracked I ventured away from it and tried some other things.

But now I am back! I now work for the local NBC station here in Orlando, WESH. I am excited to be there, back writing and being involved in news is my passion. I am not on air, but I am making things happen behind the scenes with their digital department. Anything that is digital, I have a hand in. I am still learning and getting my feet wet, but I am enjoying it very much.

I really am going to make an effort to keep my blog updated and keep it fresh. A lot of times nothing exciting happens in my life, but I will try to comment on what is
happening around me, or about things I am interested in. Since I am a list maker, I have a running list of topics I’d like to post about in my phone.

So stay tuned, and see what happens.

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