5:19 PMI love food! Good food. It showed back in high school that I like food a little too much. Sweets that is. I do like other food, but sweets are my downfall. Thanks Dzdzius (thats grandpa in Polish, he's the sweet-a-holic in the family).
But I do love food in general. I think though I have a socialist way of looking at food...don't hate me yet. I think the staples that keep us alive should be free. Bread, Milk and the like, however if you want to get fancy, then ya you pay for it. The hubby and I like good, well prepared and presented food. We like going out to nice restaurants and enjoying a great meal. A lot of those great meals we take pictures of. Here are a few.
Bento boxes in Japan at Epcot. Hi hubby.
Chicken Tostadas in Mexico at Epcot.
Cheese, one of my favorites as an appetizer at the Flying Fish at Disney.
Chicago deep dish, where else but Chicago.
BBQ in Atlanta...
Mahi at Bluezoo in the Dolphin hotel at Disney. Yes Disney is the trend, they have really well prepared and yummy food.
I do like cooking at home. I am a follow the recipe to the T kind of girl, while hubby likes to improvise and add stuff. I am too afraid I'd mess it up. And I am not one of those people that can just throw stuff together and have it be a wonderful fullfilling meal. Nope, it's got to be a recipe. But I am pretty daring when it comes to recipes. I have done shepards pie from scratch, a good meatloaf was my first meal I cooked the hubby. But I bet you can't guess what I like cooking over just normal meals? Yup sweets. Love to bake, and make goodies. But again, I need a recipe, and most of the time I will bake eat a little of it, and take the rest to work. Yes my work people love me. Here are some of my creations.
Pumpkin cupcakes, and my halloween touch, Hershey Kisses.
However, I think my favorite meal of the day is breakfast. Gasp, yes out of all those fancy and nice dinners, I would give them up, just for breakfast foods. Biscuits and Gravy, Omelets, Cereal, the list could go on and you can do it so many different ways. Yea, if I had to pick one meal to always eat, it would be breakfast. You can do sweet breakfast or normal, you can do fruit, eggs, meat or no meat. The possibilities are endless.
Biscuits and Gravy at Brians in Orlando. Anyone know if they are going to reopen, ever?
Hungry yet?
So I am asking you, if you had to only eat one meal a day, which would it be?
BTW, I was going to blog on the Royal Wedding, but I am sure you are overloaded on that by now. You can thank me in cupcakes. :) *Note that I originally wrote this post on Friday, but had no time to post it, hence the Royal Wedding reference.
Eat at Roy's off Sand Lake Road. If you want something different and are in the mood to have some of the best food of your life, go there.
I always enjoy reading your blogs. I too am a lover of cupcakes yet I hate sweets so I make them for everyone else. There is a great blog about cupcakes called cupcake project their site is they gave fantastic recipes there. If you have time check it out.
ReplyDeleteI love reading your blogs. I am also a lover of sweets, it's my downfall. I love to bake and I love finding new recipes. Its funny the way you describe you and your husband's style of cooking cause thats exactly the way me and my husband cook. I too am to afraid to go off script and mess everything up. Where my husband can put in this and that, and it tastes great. the blog and Daniel's podcast. You guys are doing a great job.