Working time.
7:04 PM
I work a lot. Probably a little bit more than the average person, but when you have an unset schedule and could work nights and weekends mixed in with some days, it sometimes feels like I am working like crazy. Many times I could work 10 days in a row before a day off. And that is so draining on me and the time I have with the hubby.
There are sometimes that I will not see the hubby for two days. Say I work the evening on a Wednesday, well he goes to work at 5am, and by the time I get home at night he is asleep, so I don't get to see him until that next morning when I am sleepy tired, but that's not quality time. So then if I work two nights in a row, and work Thursday night too. The process repeats and I won't get to spend quality time with him until some point on Friday. By that time we are both dead tired and fall asleep by 10pm. That happened this week.

And with working weekends, I have dubbed him my latch key kid, because I always leave him home alone to try and figure out something to do. It stinks because yes there are some weekends he is working and that keeps him busy but it's rare. Weekends should be when you get to play and have fun, but he is for the most part alone. Sad face.
I know it's good to have alone time from your partner every now and then, however I think our alone time is more than the average couple, well except for maybe a truck driver and his wife. And I think hubby's alone time is way more than the average husband. So when we do have time together we try and make the most of it. A lot of people comment that we go out to eat a lot or are gone out somewhere, but it's because we are trying to spend that time together and have a quality but fun time.

Like I mentioned before if I could get paid just to go to school it would solve the worlds problems. ;) Just kidding, but this is the life I chose, so we learn to deal with it, for now. Kids would be another story, and we'd surely have to figure out a set schedule, rather than this one that changes week to week.
Sorry if I am complaining, but having just gone through the scenario above for the third week in a row, you just get worn down and you miss your mate. Bare with me, we will be back to cupcakes and butterflies soon enough. :)
As for the blog, sometimes you will have a post everyday, and sometimes I will have to skip a few days just so I can have time with hubby, or time to do stuff I need to do around the house. Although I hope you do enjoy what I post when I have time.
Happy Saturday.
I understand completely what you're going through, although for my hubs and I it's only a few months out of the year. My husband Mike is a show director for creative and productions at Universal. For the past 9 years he's worked on tons of shows and projects but none take him away from the house like HHN. He's created the houses, streets and wrote and directed the Bill and Ted show for the past 9 years meaning pretty much from August to the end of October, I hardly see him. It wasn't so bad when it was just he and I, but when we had kids it SUCKED. There were days when I never saw him at all because he'd be working on lighting or sound or whatever and he wouldn't come home. This year he's not doing the Bill and ted show, so I'm hoping * praying* that his schedule isn't so crazy, but I am sure he'll be pulled into some project or whatever. At any rate I totally understand what you're going through. Hang in there- you seem to be perfectly suited for each other and that's going to help you get through the crappy times- your sense of humor and love.