Cartoon World
8:56 PMHubby and I lead a crazy life. We joke a lot we live in cartoon world. This weekend wasn't so much cartoon world, it was just on the go crazy time..
Here is a timeline of the last few days, starting with Thursday.
8am - Woke up
8:30a-10a - Worked on Tom and Dan orders
10a - Got ready for work
12p- 9pm - Work
10p- 4a - Sleep
4a- 5:30 - Up, feed dogs, make lunches
5:30a- 7a - Back to Sleep
730a- 8a - Get ready for work
8:30a- 5p - Work
5:30p - Home, change clothes
6p- 10:30p - Orlando City Soccer Game
11:30p- 7a - Sleep

730a- 8a - Get ready for work
8:30a- 5p - Work
5:30p - Home, change clothes
6p- 9p - Orlando Predators Game
9p- 11:30 - Arsenal88 concert
12:30a- 8a - Sleep
8:30a- 9a - Get ready for work
9a- 9:45a - Breakfast with hubby
10:30- 7p - Work
And that brings us to now. Phew...I am tired just looking back at all that. Basically all I have been home to do in the last 4 days is to change clothes and sleep. Thank goodness I have Monday and Tuesday off work, but all I am going to want to do is nothing. But when you have so much going on outside of the house, the housework and grocery shopping gets neglected, therefore that is what I get to do tomorrow. Boo!
Being busy is good sometimes, but there are other times like now, when I am working so much that I don't want to be so busy. I could only imagine if we had kids how busy we'd be. That's another discussion, but most likely things would have to change if there were kids in the picture.

Anyway, Happy Easter, I didn't get to celebrate anything, and I am eating Easter dinner leftovers from my mother-in-law, but how was your weekend?
It's crazy how everyone's lives are different and yet so similar as far as time-management vs. things to do and be done. Your schedule sounds exhausting even to a mom with two little ones under the age of 6! I hope you're getting rest today and spending time with your hubs when he gets home from work. :) Our weekend was crazy busy too- mostly because my husband's sister and her family was in town for Easter. I'm planning on posting a catch-up Easter blog but I'm currently lazing on the couch, watching my 5 year old play Lego Harry Potter and reading everyone else's blogs. :)