School Days.
11:37 PMIf I had my way I wouldn’t work, I’d just go to school. Wow if that isn’t the nerd statement of the year, I am not sure what is.
I know a lot of people wouldn’t work if they could, but what would you do to fill your day? I understand people with kids there is probably enough going on, but what about you others? Like I said I’d go back to school.
I have my Bachelors of Science in Communications and a minor in Marketing from UCF. While I was there going to school I just wanted to be done with it. I went to college for 4 years, could have done it in 3 because of my nerdom in high school, but wanted that true college experience, and really how could I pass up taking classes like Aerobics, Golf and History of Punk Music to fill the fourth year.
Once I left school, I’d say a month after graduation, I was ready to go back. I think while I was there you just want to be done because I was coming from like 20 years of straight school. Let me have a bit of a break, that break consisted of a month for me. School is so familiar. It’s that comfort that’s there, and I miss that, but I also miss learning.
I love to learn, I want to know about things in the world, and because it’s ever changing, I feel like I miss out on learning what’s new by not being in school. Yes in business there are new things all the time, but right now I feel like I have hit a plateau. I am not learning anything new, it's the same thing.
I have always been like this. In high school I was in International Baccalaureate classes. Don’t ask me why I put myself through the torture, but after all was said and done I was super happy with the satisfaction of completing the program. Me and 49 other people from my graduating class of over 500 completed it. Accomplishment.
So here is what I would do, just go to school taking all sorts of classes, maybe toward a degree at some point, but just taking classes in all subjects to broaden my scope of the world. I would eventually get a Masters and probably a Doctorate, but I’d feel like I knew so much about a lot of things. Dr. Dennis. Hahahah!
Why don’t I go back you ask? Money. The root of all evil and good. I came away from my bachelor’s degree debt free. I owed nothing and got paid to go to school thanks to my nerdom (twice in one blog post!). I want to do the same the next time around. Is this even possible? I hear so many people so in debt from going to school, and I don’t want to be in debt for it. It stinks, if I want to learn let me learn for free. Also I have to have a job. I am not so lucky to stay home and not have to work. The hubby and I have set our lives up where two incomes are needed. Thus I work, interfering with my plan to go to school.
School is not for everyone, and I know a lot of people don’t see a value in it, or say “real world experience is better than book experience”. That maybe so, but sometimes in the real world you learn all you can at something and stay stagnant for the rest of your life. I don't want to be stagnant, I want to learn and absorb it all.
So, I sit here and wish. If I won the lottery, hubby already knows this is what I would do, after traveling a bit. ;)
Can you go to school for free? Anyone know of how to accomplish this? Or anyone want to fund my higher learning?