7:18 PMOkay, enough is enough…I am getting back into blogging. My fault. I like reading and lusting after other people’s blogs, thinking wow I wish I were them (you hearing me Young House Love). But hear we go.
There is no theme to my re-incarnated blog. There is no set schedule of what you might see or read. That could change. It’s crazy; it’s all over the place, sort of like me. I have also changed servers to blogger.com, and feel much more comfortable with it.
Went running, felt good. It’s been a battle for me to stay on a consistent schedule, but maybe if I blog about it, you guys can help me. As in if I don’t mention that I ran or biked you can really rake me over the coals. Deal?
Oh but back to running, it was 9am, and I was sweating like crazy. Daniel and I were walking on the beach this weekend and we were sweating, it was actually kind of chilly, and I said to him I don’t feel like I am getting any workout unless I am sweating. Make it really hot, sweat dripping down my face uncomfortable. Until almost pass out point, then I am getting a workout.

Lunch today is leftover pizza (yes a nice counter to my early workout. Daniel said we are biking tonight so I told myself I could have pizza). I told Daniel last night that I like American pizza. Do you understand what I mean when I say that? I hate these places that are suppose to be Italian eateries that then pump out pizza. New York style, Chicago style? Bleh. Give me Papa Johns and I am good to roll. And if I am feeling fancy give me Mellow Mushroom. None of this Italian stuff. Maybe it is my dislike for Italian food in general that fuels this fire. Thoughts?

I am going to try and play with this layout, add some other pages, more links to blogs I lust after, but what would you like to see here? Daniel flying a kite?
To me, Mellow Mushroom, Valdianos and Goodfellas are all Italian New York pizza and that's my favorite kind. I love that type of crust and the more expensive Grande mozzarella they use at those joints. I can't stand any of the 'factory' pizza like Pizza Hut, Papa Johns or Dominos (all three of them have 'off-tasting' pork products) although I do enjoy some Hungry Howies every once in a while.