To morning shower or not...

7:40 PM

Crazy question. Are you a morning showerer or evening showerer?

All my life I have been an evening shower taker. Yes sometimes there is an early morning or mid-day shower thrown in there, but the majority of the time I have taken my shower at night.

But this has recently changed, and it’s sort of bothering me.

Now that I get up very early, 5am early to go to the gym, I am taking a shower after the gym in the morning. For a few days I took two showers a day, one in the morning after the gym, and one in the evening before bed. But that was getting excessive, and to think of all that water I was using.

So now I am just showering in the morning. The reason this bothers me is I am going to bed, between the sheets, with the day’s grime on my body. That bothers me. My feet feel gross, my face doesn’t feel clean because I don’t feel I can wash it properly without the shower and I live in Florida, most people sweat just opening the door to the car in the morning.

Morning showerers how do you justify just taking the shower in the morning? Leave me a comment, let me know. Convince me, should I keep just showering once, or should I just suck it up and shower twice a day.

Life’s dilemmas.

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  1. i used to be an evening showererer because it helped tame my hair! coincidentally, that was when i lived in florida ;) now that i don't, i'm a morning showerer. in nyc. where literally your feet turn black from walking home from work. i don't know if you can win... !! i try not to think about the grime. what doesn't kill you..

  2. I'm a morning showerer since middle school. I like that I feel fresh for the new day. Plus it wakes me up. I never feel truly awake until I have showered. I do wash my face, hands, and feet before bed each night because that does make me feel a bit icky while sleeping. This is only during the work week. On weekends I shower whenever I feel like it.

  3. Shower twice a day. Morning showers wake you up and evening showers make you feel clean before bed. It's that simple.

    I couldn't imagine laying in bed with the office vomit still on my skin.

  4. I have to take a shower in the morning, otherwise my curly hair will look like Diana Ross stuck her finger in a light socket. Sometimes a shower in the evening is the only thing that will help me to unwind, though... I agree, you do have a dilemma on your hands.


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