6:19 PMRecently someone asked me what I did during the weekends. Well like I mentioned earlier, having weekends off are a new thing to me. Weekends are awesome I am discovering, it’s a whole new world. (Did you just sing the Aladdin theme song? Yup I did.)
I now don’t have to plan months in advance and change around schedules in order for hubby and I to be able to do anything.
Spanish dancers at Cafe TuTu Tango!
But anyway, our weekends I think are like most everyone else’s. Sometimes there are moments we call “Cartoon World” because they are just not anything most people can comprehend.
Some weekend’s hubby has to work, but most weekends we get to play. And to his dismay do house work.
Saturdays are play days. We go to concerts, out to eat, to the pool, or go see our family in DeLand. For a wedding gift my mom got us Disney Annual Passes (cool, right?) so we love to just go walk around. Not even ride rides persay, but the vibe at Disney is just so much fun so we like to spend the weekend there. Well when it’s not so hot. Pretty much the same stuff everyone else does, right?

Taking Back Sunday at the House of Blues
Sundays are work around the house days. Now that I don’t have a day off during the week we have to do laundry, clean the house, grocery shop and those kinds of things on Sunday. Boring…I know. But hubby does talk me into playing sometimes on Sunday, meaning I have to do the housework when I get off during the week. Not fun.
There are those weekend days that are nutty, where I am painting the face of a friend because he lost a bet. See I told you “Cartoon World.”
I love my weekends! They are too short; we can agree on that I bet.
What do you do during this weekend?