What I'm watching this fall

7:05 PM

Now that Labor Day is over that only can mean one thing….NEW FALL TV SHOWS! Or returning old ones that is just as exciting. I really though hope you didn’t say, “No more wearing white until Easter!” I would be really upset. And wearing white is a WHOLE different blog post. Stay tuned.

Anyway, I printed out my trusty Fall Schedule TV Calendar so I could highlight and then set the DVR to record the new shows. Anyone else ever done this? Or am I just the organized freak? Ha! If you want to join in, here is the calendar.

Tonight I am anxious to jump on the Sons of Anarchy bandwagon. I have heard this show is really good, and it looks right up the hubby and my alley. I know it’s been on for like 3 or 4 seasons, I am just not sure why we haven’t watched before. I think we will jump in now, and have to go back and watch all the others via Netflix or something.

No other shows start this week that I am interested in, but the next two weeks are a little nuts with the shows. Here is the breakdown.

Tuesday 9/12: 90210, as you can probably tell this is totally my pick, not the hubby’s. It’s a returning show, so it’s just continuing the story lines already there.

Wednesday 9/13: Up All Night is a new show with Christina Applegate and Will Forte. It looks really funny, and even though I don’t have a kid it looks interesting. The sad part is it is on so late, 10pm is late for me. But maybe it has that crude humor that can’t be shown any earlier.

Thursday 9/14: The cartoon that I want to be friends with, Archer returns! If you have never seen Archer on FX, he is a self-centered special agent who works for his mother and loves the ladies. He is so dry and funny, I want him to be my pal.

Moving on to the next week, this is when we hit the mother load of new shows. Try and stay with me here.

Tuesday 9/19: The Biggest Loser and New Girl. I always seem to start with the Biggest Loser and then fall off half way through. Hubby and I watch it together, so I will give it a whirl. New Girl is on Fox with Zooey Deschanel, she was in 500 Days of Summer, but I guess the premise is she finds out her boyfriend is cheating and has to move out. She moves out with three guys and hilarity ensues, I think, or I hope. I will try it out and see how it progresses.

Wednesday 9/20: Modern Family. I started with this show in the beginning then fell off because I was working a bunch and didn’t feel like I could keep up. People love it so much though, so I am going to try again. Now that I am home in the evenings it helps to be able to watch TV. (Some people will moan and groan at all this TV watching, but it’s not like I just sit around and do nothing else. Haters!)

Thursday 9/21: One of my favorite nights of TV, especially on NBC. The Thursday night lineup is awesome. Starting with Community, then Parks and Recreation, which is one of my FAVORITE shows, followed by The Office and then Whitney. It will be interesting to see how The Office does this year with the absence of Steve Carrell. What do you think? And Whitney is a new show that caught my eye because the previews/ commercials looked funny. Hopefully they aren’t just showing me all the good stuff. Going back to Parks and Rec, watch it, if only for Ron Swanson.

Friday 9/22: Kitchen Nightmares. Yes it’s gross most of the time, but I do love Gordon Ramsay.

Lastly, the next week is the premiere of Gossip Girl on Monday night. I have followed it since the beginning and it is getting a little over the top, but as a lot of my friends know I have to fill my void of teen drama with Gossip Girl and 90210. The void came after Dawson’s Creek went off the air. Then I filled it with The OC, and now these shows. But nothing can compare to the original. Sigh.

By the way if you haven’t noticed Monday nights are looking a little dull for shows, only Gossip Girl. Maybe that is when I will catch up on everything. Or I can always watch a Top Gear rerun!

I think I should do an update to this in mid-October or November, to see if I am still watching. Remind me okay.

So what are you going to watch this fall, and have any recommendations for stuff I missed? Maybe from a network that’s not in the big 5?

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  1. I swear - I think we were separated at birth!?!
    I typically do an excel spreadsheet of my fall tv shows.
    I haven't gotten that far this year - but I will!!!!
    Can't wait to talk TV with you!! :)

  2. Look at the calendar I posted. It took the work out of excel! ;) Let's chat!

  3. Parks & Rec is awesome - April is my favorite! We watched a couple episodes of Community when it first started but never could get into it. I'll also be trying New Girl out along with Pan Am. I loved gossip girl but could only make it through season 2. I get my teen drama fix with vampire diaries. lol I miss Dawson's Creek too! I actually had a marathon a few months back where I watched it beginning to end. It took a month but was awesome. Another favorite of mine and my husband's is Fringe. It's definitely a show you need to start from the beginning but it's really awesome.

    This is a pretty interesting read too: http://www.complex.com/pop-culture/2011/08/the-25-most-anticipated-tv-shows-of-fall-2011#gallery

  4. if you get on iTunes you can download the premiere of New Girl for free right now. i plan on watching it from there first before all the shows start to see if it will make the rotation. just giving you a heads up!

  5. Walking Dead on AMC
    Dexter on Showtime
    Boardwalk Empire on HBO
    Game of Thrones on HBO

  6. The NBC Thursday comedies are great. With regards to SOA (which is a phenomenal show) I would suggest starting from the beginning, before watching the current episode.

    Also agree with:
    Dexter, Boardwalk Empire, Game of Thrones

    And (even though they are on different schedules) have to add:
    Mad Men
    Breaking Bad
    Burn Notice (my guilty pleasure pick, it goes down easy & has lots of explosions & tongue in cheek ridiculousness)


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