Are you ready for some football?

8:58 PM

I like sports. Growing up I went through my fair share of what I liked at the time. My mom has a picture of me when I played basketball. That was when I was really into the Orlando Magic and really loved Nick Anderson. #25!! I still really like him and enjoying freaking him out when I see him out and about now downtown or at events. I think he is thinking, "Who is this crazy white girl that keeps professing to me how much of a fan she is..."

Anyway I digress, then I played softball, so I went into really loving baseball. This was during the era of Sammy Sosa and Chipper Jones. As you can see my teams were the Chicago Cubs and Atlanta Braves. Even have both Chipper and Sammy's rookie cards, oh and I have Nick Anderson's too. Does anyone still collect these cards?

During this whole time I was always into soccer, because my brother played, and the players were always hot. But I got into soccer more after hubby and I got into European soccer and played together on the Orlando Sport and Social Club. I was the goalie.

I got into football in the later years of high school and then when I went away to college. What I liked most though was college football. After visiting Ann Arbor in college, I fell in love with the area, and the feel of Michigan football. I felt they were my team. So since then I have always followed Michigan, through their highs and lows, GO BLUE.

Then I met hubby. He has always been a soccer fan, like I mentioned before. But since he was young, he's been a die-hard Atlanta Falcons fan. He has a story where he wrote all the players back in the day and they all wrote him back and signed his football cards. That made him a fan for life. And it makes me a fan. That is how you make fans for life.

This year I decided to get into Fantasy Football. This has made me into the NFL much more. Following games, and following my players. There is a reason to watch other teams now. The only part of fantasy I don't like, the betting part. I hate gambling. I'd just rather play and have fun watching.

In June, the hubby and I went to Atlanta. We really love that city and I think in a heartbeat we'd move there. Other than it being the home to the Falcons, we have a fabulous time when we visit. But when we went since it was his birthday, I took him on a tour of the Georgia Dome, home to the Falcons. We got to see the ins and out of the Dome. So much fun to learn about the Falcons on a deeper level and it makes you enjoy the team so much more, knowing why things are a certain way.

One day we hope to experience a game in the Dome, I know we could go and see them play an away game that is near us, but it wouldn't be like seeing them at home, with everyone else who is a Falcons fan. One day I'll take hubby.

So football, I embrace you, unlike most wives. I think I watched more football today than hubby did. Granted he was working. But I like having something to enjoy with the hubby instead of railing against it, as I know a lot of wives do. Embrace it, and it might just be something to bring you together, something you can talk about, and something you can bond a little deeper with.

Plus, ladies, some of the guys aren't bad on the eyes.

What have you and your spouse bonded over? Or have you embraced something you never thought you would, only because your spouse really was into it?

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