Holiday decorating
3:12 PMI love the holidays. I love the feeling in the air, and the atmosphere around them. Starting with Halloween, I love decorating the house to give off the feeling of the holiday that is approaching. I already have my pumpkin placemats on the table. The pumpkin and pilgrim salt and pepper shakers are on the table as well. The wreath is on the outside of the house, and will stay there until after Thanksgiving. These decorations will stay up until about Thanksgiving.

Yet, I like to put my Christmas tree up in November, so I have time to look at it and admire it. I'll change the wreath after Thanksgiving to the Christmas wreath that lights up. Then I will put some lights on the outside of the house. I like seeing really well decorated houses with lights during Christmas. And even thought the hubby wants one of those blow up Snoopy snow globe decorations for the front of the house, I have yet to give in. Can't wait to go drive around and see some pretty houses.
I am by no means Martha Stewart in her decorating, but I like to pretend. And I like lusting after beautiful decorations.
Do you decorate? What get's you excited about the holidays?