Driving Miss Daisy..or....

11:19 AM

Driving. The thing that as a teenager I could not WAIT to do. The freedom, and the feeling you are getting older and have more responsibility. It was great as a teenager looking forward to the day you got those keys and headed out.

My favorite old car - BMW 2002 tii

I grew up in a decently small town, so driving around there wasn't as exciting as the first time I got to drive to the big city, Orlando. When I started driving boy bands were blowing up in Orlando and that is where I needed and wanted to be. So when mom said I could drive to Orlando by myself, well that was the best news.

I started with a 1994 Chevy Lumina, and then got a 2002 Nissan Sentra. Now I have a Volkswagen that I love! I don't think I could ever have a different make than a Volkswagen. They have treated me well and I love their cars.

My Nissan was silver.

BUT everyone can dream. Hubs and I love the Porsche Panamera. If I had money to burn, I think I'd look into that. Ha.

Porsche Panamera..beautiful.

Now that I am married and older, driving isn't as fun. Well let me say driving to and from work isn't as fun but a long road trip or a drive back to the homeland with the music cranked up, and singing along, that is fun. The traffic stinks in the "big city" but thankfully my new job allows me to avoid the dreaded highway and have an easy commute.

One thing I have been wondering recently is if other couples are like Hubby and I when it comes to driving. Let me explain, he has his car and I have mine. For some reason we don't look at it as the families cars, but mine and his. Is this normal? Anyway, if we go anywhere and my car is the chosen one, I drive. And the same is if we choose to go in his car, he drives. The only other time is if I am being the designated driver, then I will drive his car.

Do other couples do this? I notice that in a lot of relationships the guy drives all the time, no matter what car.

Hubs favorite old car - 1940 Ford Coupe

I also think driving causes the most fights among couples. I have a WAY different driving style than the Hubs does and it results in uncomfortable noises if I get to close, or comments on how I am driving. No one likes to be told how to drive, so I can see how these just makes people crazy, because I am in the same boat. But I am not saying he is the only one who says things, I am guilty of it too.

Driving, it's "such a privilege" as my parents use to say. How is it handled in your house-hold?

The Interest of Pinterest

2:05 PM

I have been on Pinterest for a while now and love it. If you aren't on this site, it's okay, I am sure it isn't for everyone. But I find it so fascinating. So a little background. Pinterest is a social website that users can "pin" pictures to their pin boards. Think a virtual cork board. (I had two of those cork boards growing up and I pinned so much stuff to them, they were 3D boards and stuff was waterfalling off of them.) I like it because you can organize what you pin to certain boards.

For example, the categories for boards I have are: Products I Love, Beauty, Crafts, My Style Pinboard, For the Home, Food, Necklaces, Beautiful, Too Cute, Great Party Ideas, Vehicles, Interesting, and Good Ideas. When I see a picture I love or want to reference back to later I pin it to one of those categories. Almost all of the pictures track back to a website. So if I want to do a craft, I click on the picture and most likely the website will tell me exactly how to do it. LOVE IT!

BMW 2002 from the '70's, my favorite car.

I also like to type into the search bar one word and see what comes up. I search what is popular, what my friends are looking at or just categories that people are pinning to.

Wine Cork Giraffe

I need to carve out time to do some of the crafts I have found and I can't wait to make some of the recipes. I know a lot of friends are making delicious meals off the site. My other favorite board is For the Home. I want to implement so many ideas into a house if Hubs and I ever move. You can get lost in Pinterest because so many things are linked to so many websites or other things.

Honey Lime Enchiladas

Pinterest though also makes me feel so inadequate compared to some of the people out there. Some of these crafts or ideas are INGENIOUS! Why didn't I think of that. But I am happy they are sharing.

Curly hair done with a sock

However, with the website becoming increasingly popular, I am afraid of what Pinterest will turn into. I am happy that it is becoming more popular because the wealth of information on the website is fantastic. BUT I am afraid that the quality will become less and less as well. Users will have to wade through a bunch of "pins" that aren't of the utmost quality or interest. Yes we all have different interests but I would hate for what is being posted to be crap.

Great idea for hanging necklaces

As for now, I am still finding wonderful ideas to implement, lust after, or just rave about. I am catching myself referencing to Pinterest in everyday conversation...oops.

So what are you thoughts and feelings on Pinterest? Think it has staying power?

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