Driving Miss Daisy..or....
11:19 AM
My favorite old car - BMW 2002 tii
I grew up in a decently small town, so driving around there wasn't as exciting as the first time I got to drive to the big city, Orlando. When I started driving boy bands were blowing up in Orlando and that is where I needed and wanted to be. So when mom said I could drive to Orlando by myself, well that was the best news.
I started with a 1994 Chevy Lumina, and then got a 2002 Nissan Sentra. Now I have a Volkswagen that I love! I don't think I could ever have a different make than a Volkswagen. They have treated me well and I love their cars.

My Nissan was silver.
BUT everyone can dream. Hubs and I love the Porsche Panamera. If I had money to burn, I think I'd look into that. Ha.

Porsche Panamera..beautiful.
Now that I am married and older, driving isn't as fun. Well let me say driving to and from work isn't as fun but a long road trip or a drive back to the homeland with the music cranked up, and singing along, that is fun. The traffic stinks in the "big city" but thankfully my new job allows me to avoid the dreaded highway and have an easy commute.
One thing I have been wondering recently is if other couples are like Hubby and I when it comes to driving. Let me explain, he has his car and I have mine. For some reason we don't look at it as the families cars, but mine and his. Is this normal? Anyway, if we go anywhere and my car is the chosen one, I drive. And the same is if we choose to go in his car, he drives. The only other time is if I am being the designated driver, then I will drive his car.
Do other couples do this? I notice that in a lot of relationships the guy drives all the time, no matter what car.

Hubs favorite old car - 1940 Ford Coupe
I also think driving causes the most fights among couples. I have a WAY different driving style than the Hubs does and it results in uncomfortable noises if I get to close, or comments on how I am driving. No one likes to be told how to drive, so I can see how these just makes people crazy, because I am in the same boat. But I am not saying he is the only one who says things, I am guilty of it too.
Driving, it's "such a privilege" as my parents use to say. How is it handled in your house-hold?
We do that too. I drive a lot for my job so my wife usually drives everywhere.