
Let's Review: #TastykakeMiniWins

3:47 PM

In life you have to celebrate mini wins. This rings true with a new baby -- take a shower, eat your dinner uninterrupted, watch a full television show or a full night of sleep -- mini wins.

Influenster and Tastykake sent me the new Tastykake Minis! You probably know the regular size cupcakes. It sure brought me back to school age when mom would send a delicious surprise in my lunch box. Well, now they come three to a package in mini size.

My box had the Chocolate Swirly Cupcakes made with Hershey's Cocoa. I took them to work to share mini wins there. Hey, we made it through a Tuesday, so everyone got a package of Tastykake minis. It was a great afternoon snack at the office.

I see they come in Peanut Butter flavor...I want that one now. This might be the treat I leave in the "bad day drawer" at work so in case someone needs a pick me up or if we need to celebrate, the minis will do the trick.

Caesar and Maisie got into celebrating with the fun party hat Tastykake sent in the box!

Follow Tastykake on Facebook or Instagram to celebrate mini wins with them.

If you are interested in Influenster, leave a comment and I will send you a code to get started.

Note: This is a sponsored blog post. I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes.


The Diapers

6:52 PM

Oh, the plans and aspirations I had before having Maisie were grand. Breastfeeding, babywearing and cloth diapering. Jesus, why didn’t you people tell me! I am sure there are plenty of times you wanted to tell me, but I understand holding back and letting the new mama figure it all out. I see myself doing that now and I am very cautious to hand out "advice" or tips.

We know how breastfeeding turned out. If you don’t know, you can read here.

Babywearing is fine. I wish I did it more, but it was a lifesaver during the colic stage.

However, let’s talk cloth diapering. When Maisie was born, I started her on disposables because it was just easier at that point and the cloth diapers I bought her were not for newborns. Every few weeks I would try to see if she was big enough for them. They finally fit her in the belly around 8 weeks, but her thighs were still too skinny and they were gappy. I haven’t tried them on her in a while to see if they would fit, but now that I am back to work, I am at the point of giving up before I even start. 

I wanted her to wear them and us get use to them while I was home. That didn’t happen. With everything else that went on her first three months of life, I just want something to be easy. I did my research, I know the pros and cons about each, but right now, I want to keep my head above water. We have finally hit a stride, a good point and I just don't know if I can add anything else to possibly disrupt that.

Maybe if I was a stay-at-home mom and could devote time to it, it would be more appealing at this stage. I hate laundry. It’s easy to throw things in the washing machine and dryer, but then you have to fold that stuff and put it away. I still have a heaping pile of clean laundry on my bedroom floor that I do not have the energy to put away.

And then there is daycare. Most daycares support cloth diapering, but how much more energy would that take in the morning to get my kid, her bottles and her diapers ready in the morning. And those women who take care of the kids, I feel like I could not ask them to do it. They are taking care of several kids at one time and I can barely take care of one at any moment in time.

The sad thing is I have a great stash of beautiful cloth diapers. Pockets, AIOs, Prefolds, everything. I bought several different kinds because I wanted to see what would work for us. I even bought the sprayer when I realized breastfeeding was out. The diapers were washed and prepped and ready to go, but I think it’s time to let that dream go. 

So go on, tell me "I told you so..." I can take it, I think.

Yet, I realize whether I cloth diaper or not, my kid will be fine. This is ringing true over and over.

Anyone want to buy some cloth diapers?

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