Been having some gnarly heartburn this afternoon and after about 4 hours it just now went away. UGH. I was doubled over while walking through Publix to get dinner for tonight. It's so uncomfortable but I didn't want to inconvenience hubby, so I just took it like a champ.

I am so incredibly tired. I can barely keep my eyes open.
Today is one of those coveted do nothing days. All the housework is done, and I have no errands to run. There is always laundry to do, but that’s one of those chores you can put off, for a little while longer. Anyway, these days are wonderful.
I started out and rode my bike in doors on the trainer today, even though I had time to ride outside. I was really trying to kill two birds, one stone and catch up on all my shows on the DVR.
My show of choice while riding, Oprah or Oprah behind the scenes. Maybe it’s the show of choice because it’s the one I have the most episodes of since it’s on everyday. Fact: I record Oprah everyday. Use to do the same with Rosie (and excited she is coming back.). I will watch the first 10 minutes and I can delete it or keep watching, but at least I have it. I know so many people hate Oprah, dude I am just watching to be entertained. She makes me laugh, her shows make me cry, and I too jump up and down on Favorite Things day, even if I am jealous. She can get really interesting people to talk on her show and brings up interesting things, why hate?
But anyway, speaking of gifts from Oprah. I got one!!!! This package arrived for me last week at work. So I know it says Oprah Magazine, but let’s pretend that Ms. O packed this gift bag especially for me.
Inside there was the picture frame, Oprah Magazine, a book and a very lovely O necklace. And if I wear the O necklace not everyone is going to know what or who it stands for. Looks just like a piece of expensive Tiffany’s jewelry right?
The back-story of why I received this bag of goodies is at work every co-worker had the ability to team up with others and propose a project that would improve the lives of those in their community. Each store could send off three proposals and then the whole country (just employees around the country) could vote on which 5 they wanted to win $10,000 for that proposal. Guess what, my group won!! We are in the midst of getting this awesome project finished, mid-May, and so Oprah’s life coach Martha Beck, talked to us and then sent us these bags. Fun right? It feels awesome to give back and help out. I’ll blog more about this project once complete, we don’t want to take away from it until complete.
So now here I am, hubby is sleeping, Ceasar is lying at my feet, and I just painted my nails.
I will post of picture of what they look like tomorrow. I can destroy a decent manicure (I am not good at painting my nails, I wish I had someone to always paint them, and the hubby already said NO) in a day or less at work. And tomorrow is a remodel, so I’m sure they will be wrecked. But at least they looked good now right?