Let's get girlie...

8:33 AM

So if you are not into shoes or purses, you might want to stop reading now. Guys you can pay attention on what to buy your lady. ;)

Yesterday I went shopping, didn't buy anything but just was on a mission to find a new purse. I was out to find a unique designer purse. I love a good designer purse, call me materialistic or what have you but to have a nice accessory on your arm (other than your hubby) is a good feeling.

First up the shoes I found. Went into Burberry, I wasn't impressed with any of the purses, but the shoes...

These shoes are amazing! I don't even care they are Burberry, the style being a lace up heel is beautiful. I am not a fashionista, so to most people they could be so ugly, but my taste, I love them. I did not love the $375 price tag.

I love a good pair of flats, and I love red. So these Burberry flats are gorgeous. I like the hint of Burberry with the red plaid. Didn't even want to see what the price was.

Now for the purses.... I wasn't bowled over by any of the purses. I am a Dior girl. Their purses are usually interesting and unique. They have done away with both Dior stores I use to shop. So sad, so now I have to find something either classic beauty or interesting and unique. I shopped the outlets yesterday, just to see if there were any deals. Of course you have to go into Coach, tons of purses. The cream one above was my favorite. It doesn't scream Coach, it's nice and big, but I have to love something or I don't spend my money. Next.

This was the most unique Coach bag I found. I liked that it was red, had some patent leather on it, and it sparkled. But again didn't love it.

This was a nice classic, plain white bag with pin-holes of the letter C all over it. It also had a clasp in the middle that was a nice feature. All in all I wasn't blown away by any of the bags I saw. So I will have to search some more.

Here are some of the bags I own. My Anya Hindmarch "I'm Not a Plastic Bag" my mom gave me, and I love it. It's a nice big bag and I can fit a ton of stuff in here. I have seen a lot of knock-offs of this bag, but this one is the original one made for Whole Foods a couple of years ago.

This is my most coveted Dior. It's suede and python. And had big silver dice all over it. This one only comes out every so often, because if it rains and this baby gets wet, we are in a whole of trouble. But I love it because of the color and how unique it is.

This is the purse I am usually carrying. It has seen better days. I have had the handles replaced because I carried it so much I wore them out. My Bostonian Piercing Dior bag, it VERY unique. Most people have to inspect it and check it out. The hubby got me both of my Dior bags. He has WONDERFUL taste.

And lastly, my mommy got me this Burberry bag. It's a classic. The Burberry plaid is iconic. It's quite small so it only comes out for special events. It also smells great because of the leather on it.

Again I am not a fashionista, I just like what I like. Enjoy.

Meet my fans...

8:27 PM

I want you to meet my fans. I know what you are thinking, already? I also know what you are thinking...I am not talking about fans as in fans of this blog. I am talking about all of the fans in my house. I know weird right? But the hubby and I love fans.

I always grew up with a fan on in my room. It was a noise thing mostly. My mom is a light sleeper, and she didn't want to hear any noise, so we got fans because she didn't want us to hear anything and wake up either. Not sure if this was the same with the hubby, but when I came into the picture, he had no choice.

The hubby and I always had an overhead fan (you have to have one in Florida!), but that doesn't make any noise, unless it has a screw loose and then it becomes annoying. So, we started with one, the Brookstone air purifier that also has a fan in it. That was good, and fine, made a good amount of noise, didn't push out a lot of air for cooling.

Then the hubby and I decided we didn't want to run the air constantly, so we got the new Dyson bladeless fan. Wait don't call it a fan, it's an air multiplier. We have the osculate on us at night to keep us cooler. Our house is from the 40's so the insulation is not all that great, and I am a little bit of a cheap-o on things like AC. Material things I can hold okay maybe sometimes I will spend money on that, but paying for AC when I really can't touch it, I hate to do that. I am not sure if running more fans and less AC is really "cost conscious" though. But being "cost conscious" is a whole different conversation. Back to the multiplier, it makes a good amount of noise too! And it looks cool, so of course my hubby who is a sucker for packaging had to have it. (Paid with wedding gift cards of course. Cheap-o)

Just recently, with the heat already into the nineties and we are only in April, we broke down and are using another fan. This one is loud and pumps a lot of air. It's the shop fan from the garage. This is like the old school fan I had in my room when I was little. I had a smaller version, but it's the one that sits on the floor and really keeps you cool.

I know it's crazy to have four fans! And like I said I use them a lot for noise but if you can believe it I still hear things at night and wake up. Sometimes I wish I was a heavier sleeper (thanks mom). I doubt we will be adding another fan anytime soon, because well that would be just CRAZY.

And lastly, wanted to show you the bike is in the trainer and since it was nasty and rainy today, the trainer got a workout. To tie it back to the fan post, the shop fan was pointed on me my whole ride.

Anyway, have anything from your childhood that your parents started you on that has morphed and you have to do it in your adult life?

Cartoon World

8:56 PM

Hubby and I lead a crazy life. We joke a lot we live in cartoon world. This weekend wasn't so much cartoon world, it was just on the go crazy time..

Here is a timeline of the last few days, starting with Thursday.

8am - Woke up
8:30a-10a - Worked on Tom and Dan orders
10a - Got ready for work
12p- 9pm - Work
10p- 4a - Sleep

4a- 5:30 - Up, feed dogs, make lunches
5:30a- 7a - Back to Sleep
730a- 8a - Get ready for work
8:30a- 5p - Work
5:30p - Home, change clothes
6p- 10:30p - Orlando City Soccer Game
11:30p- 7a - Sleep

730a- 8a - Get ready for work
8:30a- 5p - Work
5:30p - Home, change clothes
6p- 9p - Orlando Predators Game
9p- 11:30 - Arsenal88 concert
12:30a- 8a - Sleep

8:30a- 9a - Get ready for work
9a- 9:45a - Breakfast with hubby
10:30- 7p - Work

And that brings us to now. Phew...I am tired just looking back at all that. Basically all I have been home to do in the last 4 days is to change clothes and sleep. Thank goodness I have Monday and Tuesday off work, but all I am going to want to do is nothing. But when you have so much going on outside of the house, the housework and grocery shopping gets neglected, therefore that is what I get to do tomorrow. Boo!

Being busy is good sometimes, but there are other times like now, when I am working so much that I don't want to be so busy. I could only imagine if we had kids how busy we'd be. That's another discussion, but most likely things would have to change if there were kids in the picture.

Anyway, Happy Easter, I didn't get to celebrate anything, and I am eating Easter dinner leftovers from my mother-in-law, but how was your weekend?

School Days.

11:37 PM

If I had my way I wouldn’t work, I’d just go to school. Wow if that isn’t the nerd statement of the year, I am not sure what is.

I know a lot of people wouldn’t work if they could, but what would you do to fill your day? I understand people with kids there is probably enough going on, but what about you others? Like I said I’d go back to school.

I have my Bachelors of Science in Communications and a minor in Marketing from UCF. While I was there going to school I just wanted to be done with it. I went to college for 4 years, could have done it in 3 because of my nerdom in high school, but wanted that true college experience, and really how could I pass up taking classes like Aerobics, Golf and History of Punk Music to fill the fourth year.

Once I left school, I’d say a month after graduation, I was ready to go back. I think while I was there you just want to be done because I was coming from like 20 years of straight school. Let me have a bit of a break, that break consisted of a month for me. School is so familiar. It’s that comfort that’s there, and I miss that, but I also miss learning.

I love to learn, I want to know about things in the world, and because it’s ever changing, I feel like I miss out on learning what’s new by not being in school. Yes in business there are new things all the time, but right now I feel like I have hit a plateau. I am not learning anything new, it's the same thing.

I have always been like this. In high school I was in International Baccalaureate classes. Don’t ask me why I put myself through the torture, but after all was said and done I was super happy with the satisfaction of completing the program. Me and 49 other people from my graduating class of over 500 completed it. Accomplishment.

So here is what I would do, just go to school taking all sorts of classes, maybe toward a degree at some point, but just taking classes in all subjects to broaden my scope of the world. I would eventually get a Masters and probably a Doctorate, but I’d feel like I knew so much about a lot of things. Dr. Dennis. Hahahah!

Why don’t I go back you ask? Money. The root of all evil and good. I came away from my bachelor’s degree debt free. I owed nothing and got paid to go to school thanks to my nerdom (twice in one blog post!). I want to do the same the next time around. Is this even possible? I hear so many people so in debt from going to school, and I don’t want to be in debt for it. It stinks, if I want to learn let me learn for free. Also I have to have a job. I am not so lucky to stay home and not have to work. The hubby and I have set our lives up where two incomes are needed. Thus I work, interfering with my plan to go to school.

School is not for everyone, and I know a lot of people don’t see a value in it, or say “real world experience is better than book experience”. That maybe so, but sometimes in the real world you learn all you can at something and stay stagnant for the rest of your life. I don't want to be stagnant, I want to learn and absorb it all.

So, I sit here and wish. If I won the lottery, hubby already knows this is what I would do, after traveling a bit. ;)

Can you go to school for free? Anyone know of how to accomplish this? Or anyone want to fund my higher learning?

Things I like today

10:31 AM

So I am running behind today, it's 10:30 and I need to be at work in 2 hours and feel like I have so much to do still. I got put behind because I am not sure if you know but the hubby has an awesome podcast called A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan. I am their merch girl. So any merchandise requests that come in, I do it. It takes a little bit to print all orders and gather them together. Today took an hour and a half and I am still not done. I enjoy doing it, but I didn't get time to run or bike today. (Before you get on my case, I ran yesterday,. so count this as my day off!)

Here is my lonely bike trainer. Sans bike.

Hopefully I will show you a bike in it within the next few days.

Okay, onto stuff I like today.

Peeps...notice they have yet to be eaten. I am trying to be strong. I have yet to poke a hole in it too. Peeps a little stale are the BEST. So I know if I poke a hole and they get stale I will want them more. Happy Easter.

My new lunchbox. I have about 8 lunchboxes in my house. I like them, but a friend gave me this Volkswagen one. If there is something I love, I love my VW. So for me to profess my love on a lunchbox, match made in heaven.

The hubby and I are massive soccer fans. European soccer at that. Arsenal if you want to get technical is our team. Our friends Tony, Tess and Frankie have been so good to us and always try to send us stuff to make us feel like we were really at the game. The latest thing, these two scarves. Tony writes that the red and blue one was bought during the home game versus Barca, and the red one was bought in Spain at the away Barca game. HOW AWESOME. Even thought I hate cold weather, I can't wait to wear these.

Lastly, my newest piece of art. Our friend Shane-Bo is amazing. This is our 4th piece from him. And probably my favorite, because I love my state, and I love he is throwing up the love for the FL.

What do you like today?

Oh Sleep!

10:38 AM

I'm going to admit something. I love sleeping but I hate it too.

Subconsciously my body and mind do not want me to sleep. It's so messed up. And it doesn't always happen. But recently it's happening more. Especially like last night, after being off work for extended periods of time then going back, nope no sleep.

I try and think is it because I don't want to go to work? Or is it because I had such a great time doing whatever that if I don't go to sleep I am extending the time a little more?

I know I know it's so messed up!

So as the whole house sleeps I lay here, checking my phone, thinking of stuff I have to do at work and just thinking of stuff I'd rather be doing than sleeping.

Sicko I am. I want to sleep. But no.

Anyone else have this problem? Not just can't fall asleep, but the brain saying to stay awake, because today is better than tomorrow. It sounds like such a downer, I hate it.


7:18 PM

Okay, enough is enough…I am getting back into blogging. My fault. I like reading and lusting after other people’s blogs, thinking wow I wish I were them (you hearing me Young House Love). But hear we go.

There is no theme to my re-incarnated blog. There is no set schedule of what you might see or read. That could change. It’s crazy; it’s all over the place, sort of like me. I have also changed servers to blogger.com, and feel much more comfortable with it.

Went running, felt good. It’s been a battle for me to stay on a consistent schedule, but maybe if I blog about it, you guys can help me. As in if I don’t mention that I ran or biked you can really rake me over the coals. Deal?

Oh but back to running, it was 9am, and I was sweating like crazy. Daniel and I were walking on the beach this weekend and we were sweating, it was actually kind of chilly, and I said to him I don’t feel like I am getting any workout unless I am sweating. Make it really hot, sweat dripping down my face uncomfortable. Until almost pass out point, then I am getting a workout.

Lunch today is leftover pizza (yes a nice counter to my early workout. Daniel said we are biking tonight so I told myself I could have pizza). I told Daniel last night that I like American pizza. Do you understand what I mean when I say that? I hate these places that are suppose to be Italian eateries that then pump out pizza. New York style, Chicago style? Bleh. Give me Papa Johns and I am good to roll. And if I am feeling fancy give me Mellow Mushroom. None of this Italian stuff. Maybe it is my dislike for Italian food in general that fuels this fire. Thoughts?

I am going to try and play with this layout, add some other pages, more links to blogs I lust after, but what would you like to see here? Daniel flying a kite?

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